I am making a change... and for me, that says a lot because my professional career really spans just two "jobs": 16 years at Southern AA and 9 years at Sudden Services LLC. I've spent more time on LinkedIn recently and see "professionals" that are 5-7 years into a career and have been at three different companies in two different industries and that brings me to the realization that the "change" that I am referring to is really no change at all. What's changing is the enhancement I am making to my company and how I will be modifying [its] template to successfully build upon my stability and reputation. If you don't say enough good about yourself, either there isn't anything there or, your modest. For me, it is the latter and that is changing as well! I have a vast and expansive wealth of auction experience and a unique perspective on what makes auction utilization for dealers work (and not work). Over the next 11 to 15 months, I am g...
Simple thoughts on current auto auction trends