By this time next week, we will have exchanged the 10,000th vehicle as a company! When we started off my only thought was to make it through that daunting 1st year and then to work my business plan through 3 years. Now in our 8th year, we are planning for expansion and continued growth. Recently, I presented to a NAAA group of independent auction owners who wanted to know how to make their customers better auction buyers and sellers. My response to them was simple and to the point: you must be highly organized. There are so many machinations and processes I see deployed in the lanes and I wonder how they keep it straight... which reinforces my theory and practice. The most effective auction users are those that are organized and keep it simple. Perhaps this is why we will fly by that 10,000th vehicle and continue to motor on ahead. If your dealership struggles at auction, fell free to call Sudden Services LLC.
Simple thoughts on current auto auction trends