2019 is on the doorstep and it's a knocking! The other sound you hear is the swirling, swarming change the auto auction business is going through and a major thrust came today from the venture capital market! Not new to the market any longer... far removed from the start-up it was referred to as... and now financially positioned to expand our technology and geographic scope, ACV Auctions is better positioned to put your wholesale, aged, and duplicate inventory in front of a variety and depth of automobile buyers that the wholesale auction market has never seen. 20-minute auctions, in depth condition reports, title services, and transportation logistics combined with the efficiencies of conducting your auction business from your phone are the game changes that Bain Capital Partners, Bessemer Venture... and dealers across the US are banking on to position their business for the dynamic that is in front of us the next 12 months. Are you in position to adapt? Contact me or any of my Regional Territory Managers in the Northeast... or let us know where your dealership is and we'll "stitch" you together with our team there. Seasons Greetings! W/
I have been attending and participating in a new podcast, "Auto Transport Intel" that Jay Wertzberger produces and broadcasts with Ty Thompson. It drills in on automotive transport and is dedicated to improving the industry. A topic I explored with them recently was focused on not how to get new business as a transporter but a revealing look at some of the reasons we can't get new business. The theme was that if we look at ourselves with open eyes and ask if we feel if we're putting our best foot forward, what little things could we do to improve our professional profile... and that triggered the theme, "reimagining service". Over the next several weeks, I'll define Reimagining Service in more detail, and we will dig in on the relationships that the car auctions have with vehicle transporters. Stay tuned!
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